June 6, 2012

Striping on Up

A couple months ago, I moved into my very own big girl Chicago apartment in my little Old Town neighborhood.  I've lived in the area for a few years with a good friend, and I decided it was time to spread my wings and fly a staggering 2 blocks over to the new solo digs (what can I say, I love my 'hood).  As the neighborhood name suggests, my new place was far from new (I prefer to call it "vintage"), and I was eager to jump in and tackle a total rehaul to make my house a home.      

I painted every single gosh darn 12 foot wall in the place - not a small task I tell you!  However, my beloved office nook needed a little delineating.  A few hours of careful measuring and brush strokes later, and I accomplished a neutral accent corner that is the perfect compliment to the rest of the apartment.

I used green Frog Tape and I swear by this stuff - so long old blue painters tape!

Ta-da!  I followed some great advice and learned the key to preventing paint from bleeding through the tape: dry brushing.  Use just a small amount of paint on your dry paint brush and cut in with a light coat just along the tapes edge.  I added in some pops of chartreuse (my fav color of the moment), and my nook is {almost} complete.  


  1. This is awesome! It reminds me of my cousin's Chevron wall! Check it out here:

    Have a great day!

  2. UGHHH if only I had asked for these tips BEFORE we painted our kitchen. I should have known to check with you first. Tre Chic my friend!

  3. Wow, K...this is awesome! Nice work...now you have me inspired!!
